Image Resizer 2024

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Using an Exams Result Image Resizer

An image resizer is just one part of the journey. You should consider your image use from when it is taken, to the file changes that may be needed after resizing. This should allow you to get the best from your pictures.

Exams Result should be your first stop. We have several tools from resizers to writing templates to make life easier. Click here to visit our resizing tools and optimize your images today.

7 Common Image Resizing Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

It is estimated that 4.7 billion images a day are uploaded to the internet. From websites to social media, they are an integral part of the online experience. But are you getting them right?

Not every image suits a platform, and you may find resizing is needed. Below, we give our guide on how to get the best from your image resizer.

1. Using High-Quality JPEGs

Unless you are in a niche that requires it, such as photography, most people don't need extremely high-quality JPEGs. Most of these will be viewed on a mobile device or web browser with the naked eye, so a certain loss of quality is fine.

When you downgrade the quality, you gain more advantages. For example, pictures will load much quicker, which can improve the SEO of a website. When people wait for a long time for images to appear, they generally give up and go elsewhere. .

Take a little time when resizing an image to see what loss you can afford to make. Once you have a balance, test it on your platform. You can always go back to updating image quality later if it is not as you wish.

2. Using One Size for All Devices

Website images get viewed on a range of devices, from laptop browsers to tablets and phones. Therefore, when going through the image resizing process, you need to think carefully about what device the image will be viewed on.

The problem is that most developers will take the easy option, which means that the same image gets used for everything, and the device it gets sent to has the job of resizing. However, this can mean a slow process and pointless use of bandwidth.

Two methods can be used to resolve this. The first is that you identify visitors' devices, even using optional JavaScript should you wish. Secondly, by resizing for their device, or by creating a set of thumbnails, your servers can choose the best image to send to them.

3. Not Fully Optimizing PNG Files

A PNG file is a portable network graphic. It is popular with designers as it has a bright and broader palette, along with lossless compression. This means you can make files smaller without any cost to how they look.

What most people don't realize is that after resizing, you can also compress them even further. Numerous services will reduce the file size even more, making your images faster and easier to deliver.

4. Not Resizing Stock Photography

Many people use free online stock photography to make their websites more interesting. Yet these images are often provided in the highest quality format and can come in various shapes. Even if you can download it at lower quality, it may still be more than you need.

The biggest mistake is to download the image and reupload it straight to a website. First, the dimensions may be wrong. Make sure you do a correct resize, appropriate for the platform or space you wish to use.

After this, make sure you compress the file. If you have the tools to do this in your CMS, then you can do it here. However, you may wish to do this before you begin uploading to the platform.

5. Not Considering Social Media Image Shapes

When uploading to social media, it is important to know the dimensions and shape of the place you are uploading the picture to. This is most common with profile pictures, but it also applies to other types of images.

For example, profile photos for business websites like LinkedIn are very different sizes from the ones that would be placed on Instagram. Using the same for each would result in awkward images for one or both of your mediums. LinkedIn uses small, circular areas for profile pictures whereas an Instagram shot is a large, vertical rectangle shape.

This goes beyond resizing and is about knowing the intent of your image when you take it. However, if you must use the same for both then make sure you do two different resized images, altering shapes and zooming in and out if needed.

6. Not Renaming Files

This is an easy one to overlook. You finish the image resizing process, simply download the image and reupload it to your website or social media. However, there are several reasons you should take the time to rename your file.

The first is that it makes it easier to find. When trawling through your phone or device, if something is named after a sequence of numbers, it will take a while to find.

Secondly, this also applies to the internet. When your file has a name, often including keywords, it makes it easier to find on image searches. This means increased traffic to your website or social media page.

7. You Use the Wrong Extension

Once you have the image from your JPG resizer, you need to decide if that is the right format for you. It may need changing, as each format has its uses.

For example, GIFs are of lower quality but can be used for animation and blocks of colour. You may find if you are being viewed on a range of devices, SVG formats are better. Do your research and if you need to transfer the format, do it.

Disclaimer: Image Resizer Tools

Whatever image is uploaded by the user in Image Resizer tools, it gets automatically deleted from the server immediately after downloading. We do not keep any uploaded information of any user nor any information is saved in our website/server.